How to Manage Global Settings in Joomla

This tutorial will teach you how to manage the Global Setting in Joomla. You will need to be logged in to your Joomla admin panel. Make sure that your configuration.php file, which is located in your Joomla root directory is writable. Otherwise some changes will not be saved.

Begin by clicking on Site, in the upper left corner of the main panel. From the drop-down menu, select Global Configuration.

The first set of options you will see are your site options. These will allow you to set the site to offline mode, change the offline message, or change the site name. When you set the site to offline, it allows only administrators to access it. This is useful for editing the site when you don't want other people to see it. To change it to offline, change the radio button to yes, and scroll right. Click on the green check, or the Apply button. You may preview the site by clicking on the preview icon in the upper right corner. The SEO settings allow you to optimize URLs for search engines, rewrite URLs, or add suffixes to them. Scroll down and to the left and you will see Metadata Settings. Here you can edit your meta descriptions and keywords. The more descriptive your keywords are, the easier it will be for people to find your site through the search engines. Scroll up.

The next set of options is System. Here you can change settings related to the system, such as cache, session, andd debugging. The User Settings here allow you to turn user registration off, set the group users are added to by default, and require new users to activate their account through email before they can log in. Scroll down and you will see Media Settings. This lets you choose what file extensions are able to be uploaded by users, set the maximum file size, change the folder paths, restrict uploads, etc. For a short description about what each option does, hover the mouse over the name. Scroll up.

The last section is Server. This is where you can change your Server, Locale and FTP settings. Scroll right, and you will see where you can change your Database and Mail settings.

This concludes this tutorial. You now know all about what to find in the Global Setting in Joomla and how to Manage it.

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