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Content Marketing for eCommerce in Nigeria - BlogBlog
  • (+44) 743 806 9934
25 Jun 2013

Content Marketing for eCommerce in Nigeria

eCommerce in Nigeria though in its infants stage is gaining tremendous adoption rate and scores over conventional retail in terms empowering customers with adequate information.

This begs the question, could content marketing be effective for ecommerce in Nigeria? It can be said that content marketing can be one of the best tools to set ecommerce business apart.

The Case for Content Marketing for Ecommerce in Nigeria

1. Ecommerce is about shopping for products and services…
2. Among other factors, a customer needs information to make a purchase decision…
3. But the information required to make the purchase decision is not restricted to product specifications…
4. So if you could inform the consumer about using the product, its pros and cons, its substitutes, and more, the customer would be more likely to buy.

Examples of Content That Can Be Used to Market Products
If a customer is in the market for a cosmetic product, say an eye-liner, you could create an original article that addresses issues such as:

– How to use an eye-liner
– What kind of eyeliner coordinates with what kind of outfit?
– How to make eyeliner choices for different occasions.

If the article is helpful, you would have created a high degree of engagement with the customer. And an engaged customer is more likely to purchase.

Characteristics of Content That Can Help You Sell

• Try to Help, Not to Sell
Be Relevant. Focus on the specific needs of the customer.
Be Fresh
• Retain the Context. Encourage consumers to immediately navigate to product pages.
• Maintain Quality Standards. Product descriptions and images should encourage customers to buy.
• Interact With Your Customers

HOW TO Get Started With Your Ecommerce Business in Nigeria

One of the quickest methods to begin content marketing would be to create a short list of the top selling products on your ecommerce website. For each product, create a couple of articles that would helpful to buyers of those products. Create a section on your website that houses such articles.

Interested in getting an getting your store online?

At Crea8Host, we offer affordable and professional online shop/store for Startups, Sole Traders, SME’s in Nigeria and the rest of the world. Free domain name & web hosting with all packages.

Setting up your own online shop is a smooth process all the way; we pride ourselves on offering the best service possible to all of our clients at affordable cost.

We’re here to offer a helping hand to you. We focus on your needs, so you can focus on growing your business.

