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How To Find A Great Domain Name in Nigeria - BlogBlog
  • (+44) 743 806 9934
04 Oct 2013

How To Find A Great Domain Name in Nigeria

Choosing a domain name can be hard. In many cases the most obvious brandable domain names are already registered and would be expensive to purchase. Set up a brainstorm session with your team to develop a few ideas. If it helps, use these three formulas to brainstorm possible domain names in Nigeria.

  1. Use existing words. Amazon.com and VitaminShoppe.com are good examples of domain names that were created using existing words. Use a thesaurus to find words that may not readily come to mind.
  2. Create new words. Many famous websites are based on new words (or words that were so obscure that few people knew them). Examples include Google.com, Bing.com or Quora.com.
  3. Create portmanteaus. A portmanteau is a combination of two (or more) words or morphemes and their definitions to create one new word, like Groupon or Pinterest.

Domain Name Registration in Nigeria – Pay in Naira

We offer affordable domain name registration in Nigeria. Our domain registration service comes with FREE DNS management needed to manage your domain name. We also offer Domain Forwarding and Email Forwarding, as additional services for all domain name registration in Nigeria.

Register your domain names, pay in Naira and your domain is immediately active. Get a FREE Domain name when you order our hosting packages.
