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HOW TO: Start a Website for Small Businesses in Nigeria - BlogBlog
  • (+44) 743 806 9934
23 May 2013

HOW TO: Start a Website for Small Businesses in Nigeria

Would you like to start a website for  your small business in Nigeria that succeeds in accomplishing your goals: bigger sales, more often, to more people? Easier said than done? Not really.

Having a clear understanding of what you want to achieve with your business website before you set out to start one (either by yourself, or by hiring  web design professionals) can be the key to the success or failure of your small business especially in a country like Nigeria.

Unfortunately, many solo entrepreneurs and small business owners in Nigeria start thinking about the website they want to design (or hire someone else to design) at the wrong place.

Start a Website for Small Business Right

It’s tempting to begin thinking about the website we want to start in terms of graphics, features, and technical considerations. It’s easy to focus on the form of your new website because that is what we see in other completed websites. We want ours to be like that too. But that’s the wrong place to start. The form the website will take is important… at the end of the design process.

Creating a website that is a perfect fit for your business in Nigeria is within reach of almost any solo entrepreneur or small business owner with an internet connection and that can work with a computer keyboard and mouse, and can string together words into a sentence. It doesn’t take spending large amounts of capital or going out and getting a technical degree in website design to start a website for small business that succeeds.

Once we know what we want to achieve from our small business website, deciding what it will look like, what features it will have, what content to include, what content to exclude, and how to make it all happen technically will be relatively easy to determine.

Since the title of this article indicates it is about how to start a website for small business in Nigeria, and you’re still reading, we are confident you’re thinking of starting your business site.

The function of any small business in Nigeria is to make money. That doesn’t mean it’s all about making money… but if it’s a business, it exists to trade products or services. And if it does that successfully, it can stick around and trade bigger, better, and longer. That’s a winning situation for small business owners in Nigeria. It’s also a winning situation for the satisfied customers. So to win, for you and the customers or clients you serve, your small business must make money.

The way a business makes money is to get buyers for its products or services. The three basic ways a business in Nigeria has to make more money is to

a) get more customers, b) make bigger sales to customers, and c) make sales more often to customers.

With the above information at your fingertips, whether you create your site yourself or hire others to do it, you’ll be in a far greater position to see outstanding returns on your marketing investment.

In the meantime, please share your comments, insights or questions in the comments below!
